Monday, April 9, 2012

Setting up a beagleboard

We set up our beagleboard XM with Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) located at:
We chose the preinstalled headless image for OMAP3.

After completing the download, just insert the SD card (in linux). After making sure it's unmounted, move into the directory, and enter this command changing the file name, card size, and location of the device.

sudo sh -c 'zcat ./ubuntu-netbook-10.10-preinstalled-headless-netbook-armel+omap
.img.gz |dd bs=4M of=/dev/sde ; sync'
Note: this beagleboard XM only suppports up to an 8 GB micro SD card.

Once the sync is complete the card can be put into the board and booted!

You can see the boot by either connecting an HDMI monitor and keyboard directly to the device, or by using screen to tunnel in through a USB-Serial connection (Ubuntu).

screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

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